About the Author:

The life of the Toronto's most dramatic photographer. Daniel Fotografie shoots Fashion, Glamor, & Talent.


Support the cause?

Background Story:  My mother has 3 empty frames in the kitchen that she has been dying to fill with pictures!  Naturally, I didn't want her to go out and buy another artist's work so I stepped up to the plate and volunteered my services (yes, my mom gets my work for free!).  Moving on, Chrissy and I were out and about, looking for unique patterns to photograph with my (still new, since I've only used it 4 or 5 times) 70-200mm Sigma F2.8 EXII lens.

Walking on Queen St. by Nathan Phillips Square, we saw this man whose facial expression, from afar went unnoticed.  Chrissy and I thought the grammatical mistake on his sign was humorous and that I should snap a picture for my blog, so I did.

The Point: After taking a real look at this picture, I just can NOT make fun of this guy.  The guy looks miserable, and his expression is so genuine that I support the guy and am hoping to share this image with the world.  Here's to helping people do better things!


Fuck You!


i'm a universal type of person. i can talk with anyone, and have something in common with ANYONE. you will not be bored of me. and if you do, then fuck you.

Yeah, I'm not the one who wrote that. I was browsing through some social media sites looking at someone's "info" section and then BAMMM.

It starts off positive (a little cocky, but hey!), and then progressively gets cockier (hey no problem, it's all good), and then the bitch-bomb drops "if you do, fuck you". There's no better way to reveal your insecurities than to turn something that could have been positive, into something negative. Negative thoughts mean insecurity, means you're not a very fun person to be around, period.

Just my $0.02!


It's been too long

I feel like it has been too long since I last posted.

Once I get my NEW website up and running, I'll be posting all my blogs there. Thanks to Mark Wissa for designing it for me.

Meanwhile, HELICOPTER! Click the picture to watch the video.


Caution: Creepers!

Ok, so ANYONE who truly knows me knows I can't take anything seriously, which includes photo shoots.

If you're not having a good time, you're better off not doing it; here are a few shots that live up to that statement.

(GWC = [creepy] Guy With Camera; Essentially the guy who got a camera so he could get girls naked, but is lacking any credible talent)

I guess this is what happens when you pretend to be that guy who wants a hug from the model and "just wants to watch" the shoot, meanwhile all he does is snap pics of their private areas.