About the Author:

The life of the Toronto's most dramatic photographer. Daniel Fotografie shoots Fashion, Glamor, & Talent.


Cool video, worth a check-out!

Hey everyone, it's Daniel!

So a few months ago I was filming an Edward Maya (think Stereo Love) event and shooting behind the scenes for the gig, when I was approached by, at the time, a totally random stranger!

Little did I know that stranger would turn out to be a totally cool guy and now good friend, Mr. Chris Ramos. You may have heard his song Celebration aired on Z1035 and also on the Z103 Hitmix CD!

Anyways, so he kept asking me if I got any footage of him at the club, to which I stated I might have. Took a scan through the raw clips and got one 5 second clip with awful quality.

He wanted to make a little promo video so he told me to send it over and he'd see what he could do with it, to which I responded: "Chris, I won't have that. I would rather take a day out of my schedule and get you some proper footage than to have crappy footage laying around."

So at sunset one day, we head up to a rooftop in my area (tallest building for miles and miles),

and shot 2 minutes worth of footage in hopes that it would look like sunrise (pfft... who really keeps track of where the sun rises and sets?).

Then, 5 hours worth of editing with only 2 minutes of footage, we ended up with this!


The takeaway here? Always be willing to help out your fellow man or, wo-man! Sometimes that could spark great friendships and add a beautiful piece to your portfolio.

1 comment:

  1. tht's so neat.. i wish i could meet chris, he's got such good music


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